Deewaan Restraunt
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Your protection is our responsibility

Covid 19 Protocols & Precautions

Deewaan takes many preventative measures in order to continue serving adolescents, young adults, and families, while concurrently responding to Covid-19 concerns. We are closely following all recommendations set forth by the Saudi Ministry of Health. We will continue to take every stringent measure to keep current and future customers protected and we will make changes as needed in order to prevent and contain problems caused by Covid-19.
With all groups, including the Admin, customers and all the staff physically maintaining a distance of 6 feet and wearing protective face masks. We have policies and procedures in place to be able to safely quarantine and supervise any member who tests positive for Covid-19. We follow all approval recommendations set forth by our Medical Director.

Employee ad Dine In Protocols

We monitor all employees who arrive for work at an offsite screening location, including kitchen staff (chefs) coming in for their shifts every morning.

We are screening all the staff members for their symptoms, travel, exposure to Covid-19 and taking their temperature before their shift as well as while on shift. Every employee will have to gain management approval to begin their shift.

All employees are required to wear protective face coverings (masks) at all times.

We have requested that all employees stringently adhere to social distancing while at home and/or otherwise.

Daily checks will be performed on every staff member in the restaurant for the symptoms of Covid-19, as well as field staff and other treatment team members coming into and out of the restaurant.

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